Episode 5:

Using Video for Training

Date released: June 2011: Updated August 2013; August 2017

Video is a powerful and effective tool for training for many different aspects of inclusion. In this very popular episode we consider how video can be used as a training tool and take a look at several videos and how they can be deployed for training purposes.

We’re going to have a bit of fun here. And some serious bits.

Over the years I have often used video in training programs. When I refer to ‘training programs’ I mean anything from disability awareness workshops to coaching courses, adapted sports training, multi-media and online training. Basically, any form of training. Usually to highlight a particular point, or to introduce a topic, or even to conclude a topic.

It’s worth remembering that the majority of people (up to 60%, according to some studies) are VISUAL LEARNERS. This type of learner is best at collecting information with their eyes. This includes looking at visual images or reading text.

Visual learners usually prefer graphics, illustrations and charts.  They are able to remember details and ideas in picture form, typically what they’ve seen before.


  • Reads or watches TV to relax.
  • Tends to remember people’s faces but not their names.
  • Gets distracted by untidiness when concentrating.
  • Learns about a new idea by reading a book.
  • Attempts to spell a difficult word by writing to see how it looks.
  • Solves problems most easily by writing out possible solutions.

Interesting, eh!

Also, video with a good auditory message adds more weight to the argument that video is an effective teaching method. About 30% of the population are primarily auditory learners. Videos often have very clear messages, as so much thought has gone into the construction of a single message.

Using video also mixes presentation styles really effectively and can be used to inject humour to help relax a group.

I’ve chosen the videos below to get your imagination going. Most of these I have used in training programs and they work great at stimulating conversation.

My first example of an effective video for training purposes is below—I would use this type of message to emphasise the importance of words. How you write and the words you use to convey a message about inclusion are important. What better way to reinforce this message with a video like this:

See how that would work?!

OK, one of the video clips that I have used on many occasions is a short clip from the Wayne’s World movie. This clip can be used as a discussion starter on attitudes to disability—about how people react when they encounter people with disability.

This Wayne’s World clip works great at breaking the ice in workshops, and to start a conversation on reactions to difference!

Next… How about a video that has more of a deep and thoughtful purpose? If you want to raise a conversation about how the world disadvantages people with disability—to reinforce the social model of disability—then you could find no better video than the advertisement—first of two, below—released by the French Electricity Federation, of all people!

Another video with a great underlying message is the second of the two below, by Special Olympics. You can easily link this video to a discussion on the importance of sport in the lives of people with disability, among other things!

Take a look:

You can see how the edf video can stimulate a lot of conversation.

What if you want a true story that inspires others to see what is possible—one that is related to sport and starts to help people think about the opportunities that are possible?

There are many of these types of videos around. You have to be careful not to choose videos that are in any way condescending or patronising. Unfortunately, some of these types of videos do this—reinforcing notions of sympathy. This is not helpful.

True stories that depict people with disabilities and their achievements in sport are always good to use for training purposes.

I’ve picked out three here:

Of course, you can use video as a general introduction to a program. It could be a launch of a product or the introduction to a meeting or conference.

In this situation you want something that is general, short, and yet carries a strong message. Also, you want it to link to sport and physical activity, even though it carries a general message.

I have used the following video on many occasions to introduce or conclude a meeting. It fits the bill perfectly.

To end on a lighter note—I have found over the years that many people come to disability sport education-type workshops and courses with a little bit of fear or trepidation. They may have been sent there from their organisation and are a bit unsure about learning about ‘people with disabilities.’

Video can be a great way to inject humour, relax the group, yet at the same time start serious discussions.

Take a look at these two short clips. The first one I would use to highlight how different people interpret different things, and how important it is to understand that people communicate differently. The second—well, it’s just funny! Great way to introduce Blind Cricket! And no cats were harmed in the making of this video!

OK, I hope you got something out of this episode. Video is great to use in a variety of contexts—if you are running an adapted physical education class, a coaching program, a disability awareness workshop or if you just want to present information in a different way in an online course.

Always be on the lookout for useful videos—these days on places like YouTube there are many great videos out there you can use.

Also, stop by and subscribe to The Inclusion Club YouTube Channel. We will be posting lots more videos here in the future:

That’s it for this week.

Take care!

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About the author: Peter Downs

About the author: Peter Downs

Founding Director - The Inclusion Club

Peter is Founding Director of The Inclusion Club and Manager of Play by the Rules – a national initiative to promote safe, fair and inclusive sport. Peter has worked for over 25 years in the field of inclusive sport, disability sport and physical activity including 17 years managing the Australian Sports Commission’s Disability Sport Unit.  In 2013 Peter was fortunate enough to receive a Churchill Fellowship to study models of best practice in inclusive sport and physical activity.



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